Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How Filipinos Live With Heavy Rain

NOEL CELIS (AFP) | 26-07-2011
Source:  El País

According to today's Madrid press,  typhoon Nock-ten (Juaning) caused 9 fatalities and 11 are missing  in the City of San Juan, east of Manila.

And this is how Filipinos cope with typhoons as disastrous as they may happen to be.



Filipinos belong to a strong race and they have a predisposition to cope with whatever obstacle that they may encounter. The Filipinos are gifted with the spirit of the will to survive. While  they  take advantage of whatever opportunity that may arise even in a tragic situation, they keep hoping and praying  that when they wake up in the morning  the next day the sun will shine again to bring a smiley day. Hoping.... and praying....

Source of Images:  El País, Malaysian Insider, Terra Noticias - July 26, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Filipinos are hard workers, that's well known all around the world.
