Friday, August 5, 2011

What a Way to Travel

Contorted inmigrant
Melilla/  It is the first time that a case like this has been discovered 

The Immigrant that crossed the frontier inside a sports bag

The Civil Guard of Melilla  found an immigrant inside a sports bag as part of the luggage of his Morrocan relative.  They intended  to board a ship from Melilla destined to go to the peninsula.

He was discovered after a routinary random check when an agent observed a "very slight movement"  in one of the bags inside the trunk. The Civil Guard confirmed that there was a person  that was completely doubled inside the bag.  Although he seemed disorientated, nervous and with altered breathing, he did not require medical assistance.

Can you imagine travelling this way? It must have been an anguish and yet to have not paid off is the tragic matter.

Source:  El Mundo

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